Mohsen Agharazii
Chercheur universitaire clinicien
Axe Endocrinologie et néphrologie
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article Picone DS, Côté N, Corney R, Sharman JE, Agharazii M, Goupil R
Accuracy of methods to estimate central aortic SBP via upper arm cuff: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Hypertens 42 (9), 2024.
article Rodriguez RA, McNeill K, Agharazii M, Bugeja A, Clark EG, Burns KD
Aortic stiffness after living kidney donation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BMJ Open 14 (12), 2024.
article Obeid H, Bikia V, Segers P, Pare M, Boutouyrie P, Stergiopulos N, Agharazii M
Impact of arterial system alterations due to amputation on arterial stiffness and hemodynamics: a numerical study
Sci Rep 14 (1), 2024.
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- Identifying low bone turnover disease in chronic kidney disease in order to guide anti-fracture therapy, from 2020-10-01 to 2025-09-30
- Early Prediction of preeclampsia Using arteriaL Stiffness in high-risk prEgnancies; a multinational study (PULSE), from 2020-04-01 to 2025-03-31
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- Activités de réseautage de recherche en cardiologie, endocrinogie et néphrologie (CENNE), from 2022-05-01 to 2025-04-30
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- Arterial stiffness gradient as a new index of vascular aging: impact of blood pressure lowering medication, from 2019-10-01 to 2024-09-30
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- Characterizing Cardiovascular Outcomes in Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism, from 2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31
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- Transgenic rats overexpressing HDAC9 to explore the missing link between osteoporosis and vascular disease in chronic kidney disease, from 2023-06-21 to 2024-03-31
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