Roland R. Tremblay
Chercheur - Membre honoraire
Axe Reproduction, santé de la mère et de l'enfant
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article Tremblay RR, Bourassa S, Nehme B, Calvo EL
Daylily protein constituents of the pollen and stigma a proteomics approach
J Plant Physiol 212 2017.
article Collier CP, Clark AF, Bain J, Godwin M, Hudson RW, Lepage R, Morales A, Moses G, Tremblay RR, Vandenberghe H
Functional testosterone: biochemical assessment of hypogonadism in men–report from a multidisciplinary workshop hosted by the Ontario Society of Clinical Chemists
Aging Male 10 (4), 2007.
article Tremblay RR, Gagné JM
Can we get away from serum total testosterone in the diagnosis of andropause?
Aging Male 8 (3-4), 2005.