Myriam Bransi
Chercheuse associée
Axe Reproduction, santé de la mère et de l'enfant
Dernières nouvelles
article Silva-Lavigne N, Valderrama A, Pelaez S, Bransi M, Balli F, Gervais Y, Gaudy T, Tse SM
Acceptability of Serious Games in Pediatric Asthma Education and Self-management: Pilot Study
JMIR Pediatr Parent 5 (2), 2022.
article Chelabi K, Balli F, Bransi M, Gervais Y, Marthe C, Tse SM
Validation of a Portable Game Controller to Assess Peak Expiratory Flow Against Conventional Spirometry in Children: Cross-sectional Study
JMIR Serious Games 9 (1), 2021.