Marc-Étienne Huot
Chercheur universitaire
Axe Oncologie
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article Bergeman J, Huot ME
Quantitative Immunofluorescence to Measure Global Localized Translation
J Vis Exp (126), 2017.
article M Gagne L, Boulay K, Topisirovic I, Huot ME, Mallette FA
Oncogenic Activities of IDH1/2 Mutations: From Epigenetics to Cellular Signaling
Trends Cell Biol 27 (10), 2017.
article Carbonneau M, M Gagne L, Lalonde ME, Germain MA, Motorina A, Guiot MC, Secco B, Vincent EE, Tumber A, Hulea L, Bergeman J, Oppermann U, Jones RG, Laplante M, Topisirovic I, Petrecca K, Huot ME, Mallette FA
The oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate activates the mTOR signalling pathway
Nat Commun 7 2016.
- SAM68-induced regulation of cellular metabolism through mTOR mRNA splicing and stabilization, du 2019-04-01 au 2025-03-31
- Impact of 2-hydroxyglutarate-induced astrocytes reactivity in low-grade glioma progression and recurrence, du 2024-09-01 au 2026-08-31