Marc-André Fortin
Chercheur universitaire
Axe Oncologie
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article Sauvageau JF, Milaniak N, Samard L, Fortin MA
Transformation by plasma technology of cisplatin found in hospital’s wastewaters into platinum-containing nanoparticles
Chem Eng J Adv 13 2023.
article Omar MM, Kiseleva M, Laprise-Pelletier M, Auge A, Tuduri L, Fortin MA
High sensitivity detection of nanoparticles permeation through polymer membranes: A physico-chemical and nuclear imaging measurement approach
Rev Sci Instrum 93 (12), 2022.
article Omar MM, Laprise-Pelletier M, Chevallier P, Tuduri L, Fortin MA
High-Sensitivity Permeation Analysis of Ultrasmall Nanoparticles Across the Skin by Positron Emission Tomography
Bioconjug Chem 32 (4), 2021.
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