Louis Verret
Chercheur associé
Axe Neurosciences
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Centre de recherche
[Le Chuchoteur] Soins, enseignement et recherche : des neurones bien connectés
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article Black SE, Budd N, Nygaard HB, Verret L, Virdi S, Tamblyn Watts L, Wilson M
A Model Predicting Healthcare Capacity Gaps For Alzheimer’s Disease-Modifying Treatment in Canada
Can J Neurol Sci 51 (4), 2024.
article Frank A, Ismail Z, Wilson M, Gauthier S, Verret L, Hsiung GR, Borrie M
Health System Change for Alzheimer’s Disease-Modifying Therapies in Canada: Beginning the Discussion
Can J Neurol Sci 2023.
article Chertkow H, Rockwood K, Hogan DB, Phillips N, Montero-Odasso M, Amanullah S, Black S, Bocti C, Borrie M, Feldman H, Freedman M, Hsiung R, Kirk A, Masellis M, Nygaard H, Rajji T, Verret L
Consensus Statement Regarding the Application of Biogen to Health Canada for Approval of Aducanumab
Can Geriatr J 24 (4), 2021.
- Phase Two of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging, du 2019-04-01 au 2024-03-31