Christine Drolet
Chercheuse associée
Axe Reproduction, santé de la mère et de l'enfant
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article Mukerji A, Read B, Yang J, Baczynski M, Ng E, Dunn M, Ethier G, Abou Mehrem A, Beltempo M, Drolet C, da Silva O, Louis D, Lemyre B, Afifi J, Singh B, Sherlock R, Stavel M, Masse E, Kanungo J, Wong J, Bodani J, Khurshid F, Lee KS, Augustine S, de Oliveira CB, Makary H, Newman A, Ojah C, Shah PS
CPAP Versus NIPPV Postextubation in Preterm Neonates: A Comparative-Effectiveness Study
Pediatrics 153 (4), 2024.
article Ting JY, Roberts A, Abou Mehrem A, Khurshid F, Drolet C, Monterrosa L, Yoon EW, Shah PS and
Variability in antimicrobial use among infants born at <33 weeks gestational age
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 44 (1), 2023.
article Zozaya C, Aziz K, Singhal N, Ye XY, Drolet C, Emberley J, Lee KS, Shah VS, On Behalf Of The Canadian Neonatal Network Cnn Investigators
Association of Weight Changes by Three Days after Birth and Mortality and/or Severe Neurological Injury in Preterm Infants < 29 Weeks Gestational Age: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Children (Basel) 9 (2), 2022.
- Post-extubation pressures on non-invasive respiratory support in preterm neonates: A prospective comparative effectiveness research study, du 2023-09-14 au 2027-03-31
- Soutien au projet de recherche CNN (Canadian Neonatal Network) , du 2020-02-05 au 2024-03-31