Chantal Guillemette
Chercheuse universitaire
Axe Endocrinologie et néphrologie
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Chantal Guillemette élue à l’Académie canadienne des sciences de la santé
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Vingt chercheurs du CRCHU reçoivent près de 9 millions de dollars de subvention des IRSC
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Soigner par les gènes, c’est demain?
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article Peters BA, Hanna DB, Xue X, Weber K, Appleton AA, Kassaye SG, Topper E, Tracy RP, Guillemette C, Caron P, Tien PC, Qi Q, Burk RD, Sharma A, Anastos K, Kaplan RC
Menopause and Estrogen Associations With Gut Barrier, Microbial Translocation, and Immune Activation Biomarkers in Women With and Without HIV
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 96 (3), 2024.
article Peters BA, Hanna DB, Wang Y, Weber KM, Topper E, Appleton AA, Sharma A, Hodis HN, Santoro N, Guillemette C, Caron P, Knight R, Burk RD, Kaplan RC, Qi Q
Sex Hormones, the Stool Microbiome, and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Women With and Without HIV
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 109 (2), 2024.
article Wu Z, Trabert B, Guillemette C, Caron P, Bradwin G, Graubard BI, Weiderpass E, Ursin G, Langseth H, McGlynn KA
Prediagnostic Hormone Levels and Risk of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: A Nested Case-Control Study in the Janus Serum Bank
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 32 (11), 2023.
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