Chantal Atallah
Chercheuse associée
Axe Oncologie
article Atallah C, Toi A, van der Kwast TH
Gleason grade 5 prostate cancer: sub-patterns and prognosis
Pathology 53 (1), 2021.
article Brimo F, Atallah C, Li G, Srigley JR
Cystic clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma: is it related to multilocular clear cell cystic neoplasm of low malignant potential?
Histopathology 68 (5), 2016.
article Atallah C, Altinel G, Fu L, Arseneau J, Omeroglu A
Axillary metastasis from an occult tubal serous carcinoma in a patient with ipsilateral breast carcinoma: a potential diagnostic pitfall
Case Rep Pathol 2014 2014.