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- Chouinard-Castonguay, SarahEmployéCHUL+1 418-525-4444, poste
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Québec, Québec
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Women's and Partners' Experiences With a Closed-loop Insulin Delivery System to Manage Type 1 Diabetes in the Postpartum Period
Article de revueCan J Diabetes, 2024.
Pre-existing Diabetes and Stillbirth or Perinatal Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Article de revueObstet Gynecol, 144 (5), 2024.
Glycaemic patterns during breastfeeding with postpartum use of closed-loop insulin delivery in women with type 1 diabetes
Article de revueDiabetologia, 67 (10), 2024.
Promoting healthy eating in early pregnancy in individuals at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: does it improve glucose homeostasis? A study protocol for a randomized control trial
Article de revueFront Nutr, 10 , 2023.
A Randomized Trial of Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Postpartum in Type 1 Diabetes
Article de revueDiabetes Care, 46 (12), 2023.
Trimester-Specific Serum Fructosamine in Association with Abdominal Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation in Healthy Pregnant Individuals
Article de revueNutrients, 14 (19), 2022.
The association between gestational diabetes and stillbirth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Article de revueDiabetologia, 65 (1), 2022.
Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas System Use in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes in a Real-World Setting: 2 Case Reports
Article de revueCan J Diabetes, 45 (8), 2021.
Impact of levothyroxine in women with positive thyroid antibodies on pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Article de revueBMJ Open, 11 (2), 2021.
Projets actifs
- Optimisation d’un parcours de soins pour la prise en charge de la santé en post-partum des personnes ayant développé un diabète gestationnel, du 2024-11-01 au 2026-03-31
- Promoting healthy eating in early pregnancy in women at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus : does it improve glucose homeostasis ?, du 2022-03-01 au 2025-03-31
- Promoting healthy eating in early pregnancy in women at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: does it improve glucose homeostasis?, du 2023-04-01 au 2027-03-31