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Hudek N, Brehaut JC, Rowe BH, Nguyen PA, Ghaedi B, Ishimwe AC, Fabian C, Yan JW, Sivilotti MLA, Ohle R, Le Sage N, Mercier E, Archambault PM, Plourde M, Davis P, McRae AD, Hegdekar M, Thiruganasambandamoorthy V

Development of practice recommendations based on the Canadian Syncope Risk Score and identification of barriers and facilitators for implementation

Article de revue

CJEM, 25 (5), 2023.

Résumé | Liens:

Courtemanche J, Baril L, Clément A, Bédard MA, Plourde M, Émond M

Is it possible to identify patients at low risk of having a true penicillin allergy?

Article de revue

CJEM, 24 (4), 2022.

| Liens:

Batomen Kuimi BL, Lague A, Boucher V, Guimont C, Chauny JM, Shields JF, Vanier L, Plourde M, Émond M

Potential benefits of incentive spirometry following a rib fracture: a propensity-score analysis - CORRIGENDUM

Article de revue

CJEM, 2019.

| Liens:

Batomen Kuimi BL, Lague A, Boucher V, Guimont C, Chauny JM, Shields JF, Vanier L, Plourde M, Emond M

Potential benefits of incentive spirometry following a rib fracture: a propensity score analysis

Article de revue

CJEM, 21 (4), 2019.

Résumé | Liens:

Emond M, Guimont C, Chauny JM, Daoust R, Bergeron E, Vanier L, Moore L, Plourde M, Kuimi B, Boucher V, Allain-Boule N, Le Sage N

Clinical prediction rule for delayed hemothorax after minor thoracic injury: a multicentre derivation and validation study

Article de revue

CMAJ Open, 5 (2), 2017.

Résumé | Liens:

Plourde M, Emond M, Lavoie A, Guimont C, Le Sage N, Chauny JM, Bergeron E, Vanier L, Moore L, Allain-Boule N, Fratu RF, Dufresne M

Cohort study on the prevalence and risk factors for delayed pulmonary complications in adults following minor blunt thoracic trauma

Article de revue

CJEM, 16 (2), 2014.

Résumé | Liens:

Berthelot S, Plourde M, Bertrand I, Bourassa A, Couture MM, Berger-Pelletier E, St-Onge M, Leroux R, Le Sage N, Camden S

Push hard, push fast: quasi-experimental study on the capacity of elementary schoolchildren to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Article de revue

Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med, 21 , 2013.

Résumé | Liens:

Plourde M, Emond M, Lavoie A, Guimont C, Le Sage N, Chauny JM, Bergeron E, Vanier L, Moore L, Allain-Boule N, Fratu RF, Dufresne M

[Cohort study on the prevalence and risk factors of late pulmonary complications in adults following a closed minor chest trauma]

Article de revue

CJEM, 15 (6), 2013.

Résumé | Liens:

Chauny JM, Emond M, Plourde M, Guimont C, Le Sage N, Vanier L, Bergeron E, Dufresne M, Allain-Boule N, Fratu R

Patients with rib fractures do not develop delayed pneumonia: a prospective, multicenter cohort study of minor thoracic injury

Article de revue

Ann Emerg Med, 60 (6), 2012.

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