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Brizini M, Michon B, Bédard MA

Unveiling the Uncommon: A Unique Case of ALPS-like Syndrome Complicated by Plasma Cell Disorder

Article de revue

J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 46 (5), 2024.

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Brillant-Marquis F, Proulx É, Ratnarajah K, Lavoie A, Gauthier A, Gagnon R, Boursiquot JN, Verreault N, Marois L, Bédard MA, Boivin M, Bédard PM, Ouakki M, De Serres G, Drolet JP

Safety of Direct Drug Provocation for the Evaluation of Penicillin Allergy in Low-Risk Adults

Article de revue

J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 12 (2), 2024.

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