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Pelland-Marcotte MC, Avram AT, Néron H, Demers C, Castilloux J, Gauthier J, Neerman-Arbez M, Casini A, Rivard GE

A novel FGG missense variant associated with fibrinogen storage disease in a large family from Quebec

Article de revue

Haemophilia, 30 (3), 2024.

| Liens:

Gagnon H, Duguay S, Prasil P, Castilloux J

Short and Long-Term Outcomes in Hirschsprung Disease: Are the Syndrome-Associated Patients Really Doing Worse

Article de revue

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 77 (5), 2023.

Résumé | Liens:

Cossette A, Castilloux J, Bouffard C, Laflamme J, Faure C, Benlamlih S, Abel F, Beecroft M, Francis M, Drouin R

Early diagnosis and successful long-term management of a rare, severe lysosomal acid lipase deficiency/Wolman disease patient: Infancy to age five

Article de revue

Can Liver J, 5 (3), 2022.

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