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Québec, Québec
Canada G1V 4G2
Dernières nouvelles
Effects of gestational and lactational exposure to organochlorine compounds on cellular, humoral, and innate immunity in swine
Article de revueToxicol Sci, 77 (1), 2004.
Perinatal organochlorine exposure in rats: effects on humoral and cellular immune parameters
Chapitre de livreSmith S, Stow J, Carrillo F (Ed.): Synopsis of Research Conducted under the 2003-2004 Northern Contaminants Program, p. 3-8, Ottawa, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 2004.
Canadian 2003 International Consensus Algorithm For the Diagnosis, Therapy, and Management of Hereditary Angioedema
Article de revueJ Allergy Clin Immunol, 114 (3), 2004.
Perinatal organochlorine exposure in rats : effects on humoral and cellular immune parameters
Chapitre de livreSynopsis of research conducted under the 2001-2003 Northern Contaminants Program, p. 9-13, Ottawa, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 2003, 2003.
Selection of a polyurethane membrane for the manufacture of ventricles for a totally implantable artificial heart: blood compatibility and biocompatibility studies
Article de revueArtif Organs, 24 (11), 2000.
Adverse developmental effects in pigs following in utero and lactational exposure to organochlorines: Effects on immune function
Article de revueOrganohalogen Compd, 49 , 2000.
Comparison of healing in fresh and preserved arterial allografts in the dog
Article de revueAnn Vasc Surg, 13 (2), 1999.
Successful histocompatible myoblast transplantation in dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse despite the production of antibodies against dystrophin
Article de revueJ Cell Biol, 131 (4), 1995.
Fresh venous allografts in peripheral arterial reconstruction in dogs. Effects of histocompatibility and of short-term immunosuppression with cyclosporine A and mycophenolate mofetil
Article de revueJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 110 (6), 1995.
Stimulation of endothelial cell growth by myxalin
Article de revueIn Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim, 31 (8), 1995.