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Adherence to CONSORT Guidelines and Reporting of the Determinants of External Validity in Clinical Oncology Randomized Controlled Trials: A Review of Trials Published in Four Major Journals between 2013 and 2015
Article de revueCurr Oncol, 30 (2), 2023.
CAR T-Cells for the Treatment of Refractory or Relapsed Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Single-Center Retrospective Canadian Study
Article de revueClin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk, 23 (3), 2023.
In response to: Long-term overall survival of patients diagnosed with pure tubular carcinoma of the breast might be affected by increased co-morbidities
Article de revueJ Surg Oncol, 117 (7), 2018.
Characteristics and long-term survival of patients diagnosed with pure tubular carcinoma of the breast
Article de revueJ Surg Oncol, 117 (6), 2018.
Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients who Participated in Clinicals Trials Versus those who did not
Article de revueJ Clin Trials, 4 , 2014.
Evaluation of eligibility and recruitment in breast cancer clinical trials
Article de revueBreast, 23 (4), 2014.
Comparison of serious adverse events between the original and a generic docetaxel in breast cancer patients
Article de revueAnn Pharmacother, 48 (4), 2014.
Toward clinical care guidelines for supporting rehabilitative vaginal dilator use with women recovering from cervical cancer
Article de revueSupport Care Cancer, 21 (7), 2013.
Does breast cancer tumor size really matter that much?
Article de revueBreast, 21 (5), 2012.
Eligibility criteria in randomized phase II and III adjuvant and neoadjuvant breast cancer trials: not a significant barrier to enrollment
Article de revueClin Trials, 9 (5), 2012.