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Publications scientifiques

  • article Picone DS, Côté N, Corney R, Sharman JE, Agharazii M, Goupil R

    Accuracy of methods to estimate central aortic SBP via upper arm cuff: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    J Hypertens 42 (9), 2024.

  • article Rodriguez RA, McNeill K, Agharazii M, Bugeja A, Clark EG, Burns KD

    Aortic stiffness after living kidney donation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    BMJ Open 14 (12), 2024.

  • article Obeid H, Bikia V, Segers P, Pare M, Boutouyrie P, Stergiopulos N, Agharazii M

    Impact of arterial system alterations due to amputation on arterial stiffness and hemodynamics: a numerical study

    Sci Rep 14 (1), 2024.

  • article

    Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial

    Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 12 (1), 2024.

  • article

    Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial

    Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 12 (1), 2024.

  • article Hundemer GL, Agharazii M, Madore F, Vaidya A, Brown JM, Leung AA, Kline GA, Larose E, Piché ME, Crean AM, Shaw JLV, Ramsay T, Hametner B, Wassertheurer S, Sood MM, Hiremath S, Ruzicka M, Goupil R

    Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism and Cardiovascular Health: A Population-Based Cohort Study

    Circulation 149 (2), 2024.

  • article Hundemer GL, Agharazii M

    Primary Aldosteronism and Kidney Hemodynamics: Adding Another Piece to the Puzzle

    Am J Hypertens 37 (10), 2024.

  • article Desbiens LC, Nadeau-Fredette AC, Madore F, Agharazii M, Goupil R

    Impact of Successive Office Blood Pressure Measurements During a Single Visit on Cardiovascular Risk Prediction: Analysis of CARTaGENE

    Hypertension 80 (10), 2023.

  • article Goupil R, Nadeau-Fredette AC, Prasad B, Hundemer GL, Suri RS, Beaubien-Souligny W, Agharazii M

    CENtral blood pressure Targeting: a pragmatic RAndomized triaL in advanced Chronic Kidney Disease (CENTRAL-CKD): A Clinical Research Protocol

    Can J Kidney Health Dis 10 2023.

  • article Paré M, Obeid H, Labrecque L, Drapeau A, Brassard P, Agharazii M

    Cerebral blood flow pulsatility and cerebral artery stiffness acutely decrease during hemodialysis

    Physiol Rep 11 (4), 2023.

  • article Hundemer GL, Imsirovic H, Kendzerska T, Vaidya A, Leung AA, Kline GA, Goupil R, Madore F, Agharazii M, Knoll G, Sood MM

    Screening for Primary Aldosteronism Among Hypertensive Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Retrospective Population-Based Study

    Am J Hypertens 36 (7), 2023.

  • article Hundemer GL, Imsirovic H, Vaidya A, Yozamp N, Goupil R, Madore F, Agharazii M, Knoll G, Sood MM

    Screening Rates for Primary Aldosteronism Among Individuals With Hypertension Plus Hypokalemia: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

    Hypertension 79 (1), 2022.