Hong QN, McSween-Cadieux E, Guillette M, Manceau LM, Li J, Granikov V, Pomey MP, Gagnon MP, Ziam S, Dagenais C, Dagenais P, Lesage A, Poder TG, Drapeau M, Ridde V, Lane J
Addressing evidence needs during health crises in the province of Quebec (Canada): a proposed action plan for rapid evidence synthesis
BMC Health Serv Res
25 (1), 2025.
Sasseville M, Attisso E, Gagnon MP, Supper JM, Ouellet S, Amil S, Assi EB, Nguyen DK
Performance, impact and experiences of using wearable devices for seizure detection in community-based settings: a mixed methods systematic review
10 2024.
Jose A, Sasseville M, Gorus E, Giguère A, Bourbonnais A, Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi S, Balley C, Buyl R, Gagnon MP
Existing Digital Health Technology Index Summary Report for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and Their Informal Caregivers: An Environmental Scan
Geriatrics (Basel)
9 (4), 2024.
Picard-Pageau W, Morales E, Gagnon MP, Ruiz-Rodrigo A
Co-Design of an Educational Toolkit on Sexuality for Autistic Adolescents and Young Adults
Sexuality and Disability
42 (1), 2024.
Kadio K, Ly A, Ouédraogo A, Ahmed MAA, Yaya S, Gagnon MP
Implementation of lockdown, quarantine, and isolation measures in the context of COVID-19 among internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso: a qualitative study
Confl Health
18 (1), 2024.
Fontaine G, Vinette B, Weight C, Maheu-Cadotte MA, Lavallée A, Deschênes MF, Lapierre A, Castiglione SA, Chicoine G, Rouleau G, Argiropoulos N, Konnyu K, Mooney M, Cassidy CE, Mailhot T, Lavoie P, Pépin C, Cossette S, Gagnon MP, Semenic S, Straiton N, Middleton S
Effects of implementation strategies on nursing practice and patient outcomes: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
Implement Sci
19 (1), 2024.
Arunagiri KP, Dawson A, Morneau S, Verdon S, Gagnon MP, Talla PK
A Workshop on Envisioning a Sustainable Virtual Oral Health Care: A Meeting Report
J Can Dent Assoc
90 2024.
Kadio K, Ly A, Ouédraogo A, Ahmed MAA, Yaya S, Gagnon MP
“if we don’t regroup, hunger will kill us…”: a qualitative study on measures of physical distancing during covid-19 among internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso
Front Sociol
8 2023.
Délétroz C, Del Grande C, Amil S, Bodenmann P, Gagnon MP, Sasseville M
Development of a patient-reported outcome measure of digital health literacy for chronic patients: results of a French international online Delphi study
BMC Nurs
22 (1), 2023.
Yameogo AR, Délétroz C, Sasseville M, Amil S, Da SMAR, Bodenmann P, Gagnon MP
Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Digital Health Literacy in Forced Migrant Populations: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review
JMIR Res Protoc
12 2023.
Niang M, Gagnon MP, Dupéré S
Using systems thinking to understand the scale-up and sustainability of health innovation: a case study of seasonal malaria chemoprevention processes in Burkina Faso
BMC Public Health
23 (1), 2023.
Beogo I, Ramdé J, Anne A, Gagnon MP, Sia D, Nguemeleu Tchouaket E
e-Mental Health Program to Prevent Psychological Distress Among French-Speaking International Students in a Linguistic-Cultural Minority Context (Ottawa, Alberta, and Quebec): P…
JMIR Res Protoc
12 2023.