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Publications scientifiques

  • article Flamand MN, Tegowski M, Meyer KD

    The Proteins of mRNA Modification: Writers, Readers, and Erasers

    Annu Rev Biochem 92 2023.

  • article Tegowski M, Flamand MN, Meyer KD

    scDART-seq reveals distinct m6A signatures and mRNA methylation heterogeneity in single cells

    Mol Cell 82 (4), 2022.

  • article Flamand MN, Meyer KD

    m6A and YTHDF proteins contribute to the localization of select neuronal mRNAs

    Nucleic Acids Res 50 (8), 2022.

  • article Choi SH, Flamand MN, Liu B, Zhu H, Hu M, Wang M, Sewell J, Holley CL, Al-Hashimi HM, Meyer KD

    RBM45 is an m6A-binding protein that affects neuronal differentiation and the splicing of a subset of mRNAs

    Cell Rep 40 (9), 2022.

  • article Flamand MN, Ke K, Tamming R, Meyer KD

    Single-molecule identification of the target RNAs of different RNA binding proteins simultaneously in cells

    Genes Dev 36 (17-18), 2022.

  • article Mayya VK, Flamand MN, Lambert AM, Jafarnejad SM, Wohlschlegel JA, Sonenberg N, Duchaine TF

    microRNA-mediated translation repression through GYF-1 and IFE-4 in C. elegans development

    Nucleic Acids Res 49 (9), 2021.

  • article Lewis A, Berkyurek AC, Greiner A, Sawh AN, Vashisht A, Merrett S, Flamand MN, Wohlschlegel J, Sarov M, Miska EA, Duchaine TF

    A Family of Argonaute-Interacting Proteins Gates Nuclear RNAi

    Mol Cell 78 (5), 2020.

  • article Tran AT, Chapman EM, Flamand MN, Yu B, Krempel SJ, Duchaine TF, Eroglu M, Derry WB

    MiR-35 buffers apoptosis thresholds in the C. elegans germline by antagonizing both MAPK and core apoptosis pathways

    Cell Death Differ 26 (12), 2019.

  • article Flamand MN, Meyer KD

    The epitranscriptome and synaptic plasticity

    Curr Opin Neurobiol 59 2019.

  • article Flamand MN, Gan HH, Mayya VK, Gunsalus KC, Duchaine TF

    A non-canonical site reveals the cooperative mechanisms of microRNA-mediated silencing

    Nucleic Acids Res 45 (12), 2017.