Flamand MN, Tegowski M, Meyer KD
The Proteins of mRNA Modification: Writers, Readers, and Erasers
Annu Rev Biochem
92 2023.
Tegowski M, Flamand MN, Meyer KD
scDART-seq reveals distinct m6A signatures and mRNA methylation heterogeneity in single cells
Mol Cell
82 (4), 2022.
Flamand MN, Meyer KD
m6A and YTHDF proteins contribute to the localization of select neuronal mRNAs
Nucleic Acids Res
50 (8), 2022.
Choi SH, Flamand MN, Liu B, Zhu H, Hu M, Wang M, Sewell J, Holley CL, Al-Hashimi HM, Meyer KD
RBM45 is an m6A-binding protein that affects neuronal differentiation and the splicing of a subset of mRNAs
Cell Rep
40 (9), 2022.
Flamand MN, Ke K, Tamming R, Meyer KD
Single-molecule identification of the target RNAs of different RNA binding proteins simultaneously in cells
Genes Dev
36 (17-18), 2022.
Mayya VK, Flamand MN, Lambert AM, Jafarnejad SM, Wohlschlegel JA, Sonenberg N, Duchaine TF
microRNA-mediated translation repression through GYF-1 and IFE-4 in C. elegans development
Nucleic Acids Res
49 (9), 2021.
Lewis A, Berkyurek AC, Greiner A, Sawh AN, Vashisht A, Merrett S, Flamand MN, Wohlschlegel J, Sarov M, Miska EA, Duchaine TF
A Family of Argonaute-Interacting Proteins Gates Nuclear RNAi
Mol Cell
78 (5), 2020.
Tran AT, Chapman EM, Flamand MN, Yu B, Krempel SJ, Duchaine TF, Eroglu M, Derry WB
MiR-35 buffers apoptosis thresholds in the C. elegans germline by antagonizing both MAPK and core apoptosis pathways
Cell Death Differ
26 (12), 2019.
Flamand MN, Meyer KD
The epitranscriptome and synaptic plasticity
Curr Opin Neurobiol
59 2019.
Flamand MN, Gan HH, Mayya VK, Gunsalus KC, Duchaine TF
A non-canonical site reveals the cooperative mechanisms of microRNA-mediated silencing
Nucleic Acids Res
45 (12), 2017.