Dr. Berthelot is an emergency medicine specialist and researcher who obtained a master’s degree in health services research from the University of Calgary in 2014. He holds a New Investigator Award (Junior 1) from the “Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé”. He served as Head of Emergency Services of the Shawinigan Hospital (2001 to 2004), and as a medical advisor for the Ministry of Health and social services in Québec (2008 to 2013). He is an assistant professor (2015-…) and practices at the CHUL (2008-…), the pediatric academic hospital of the CHU de Québec-Laval University.
His research interests include performance assessment in emergency and primary care, value of care, patient costing and overdiagnosis. He is the co-leader of a training program and a research initiative on economic evaluation targeting researchers from the Québec Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Support Unit.
Dr. Berthelot was the recipient of the Chancellor’s Graduate Medal (best thesis dissertation at the University of Calgary, 2014) and of the Grant-Innes Research Award (best emergency medicine research abstract, 2013).
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, Québec
Canada G1V 4G2
Latest news
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- Adadja, JudicaëlDoctoral studentCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 46331judicael.adadja@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Aidara, Mohamed LamineEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542mohamed-lamine.aidara@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Bédard, JacquelineEmployeeCHULjacqueline.bedard@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Benamira, Lina YasmineInternCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542lina-yasmine.benamira@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Blondeau, ÉliEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 42296eli.blondeau@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Bluteau, ArianeEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542ariane.bluteau@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Boudaoud, KatiaEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542katia.boudaoud@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Boulanger, LukasEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542lukas.boulanger@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Boumenna, TarekMaster student
- Dasser, AdamEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542adam.dasser.1@ulaval.caadam.dasser@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Duruisseau, LaetitiaEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542laetitia.duruisseau@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Gagnon, JulietteEmployeeCHULjuliette.gagnon@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Henri, FabienEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542fabien.henri@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Kermiche, HoudaEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542houda.kermiche@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Lafrance, SimonPostdoctoral fellowCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542simon.lafrance.2@ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Laplante, ÈveEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542eve.laplante@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Laramée, IsabelleEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542isabelle.laramee@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Léger Gabory, PascaleEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 47302pascale.leger@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705 Boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Léonard, RachelEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542leonard.rachel@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Mangou, KhadidiatouMaster studentCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 47545khadidiatou.mangou.1@ulaval.cakhadidiatou.mangou@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Mashreghi, ParisaEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542parisa.mashreghi@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Msaid, AmelEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542amel.msaid@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Naïmi, MyriamEmployee
- Neveu, JoanieEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542joanie.neveu@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Otoka Niabouya, Sabah RoyaleInternCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542sabah-royale.otoka-niabouya@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Roy, Anne-SophieEmployeeCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542anne-sophie.roy@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Saidi, YaraMaster studentCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 70542yara.saidi@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2 - Savard, JoanieMaster studentCHUL+1 418-525-4444, extension 42296joanie.savard@crchudequebec.ulaval.ca
2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4G2
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Parents' perspective on pediatric emergency department visits for low-acuity conditions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional bicentric study
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A shifting terrain: Understanding the perspectives of walk-in physicians on their roles amid worsening primary care access in Ontario, Canada
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Active projects
- Characterizing disease severity and epidemiology of enterovirus D-68 respiratory infections to improve management and surveillance using molecular technologies, from 2024-06-12 to 2025-06-11
- Dérivation et validation d'un outil de stratification du risque applicable en préhospitalier et visant à identifier les personnes âgées nécessitant des soins urgents ou une hospitalisation à la suite d’une chute, from 2023-10-01 to 2026-09-30
- Établissement d'une définition consensuelle de la réorientation des patients non-urgents aux urgences par la méthode Delphi et analyse de la situation au CHU de Québec, from 2024-09-10 to 2025-08-31
- Improving the quality of Canadian pediatric injury care: identifying priorities based on evidence, practice variations and stakeholder needs and preferences, from 2021-10-01 to 2025-09-30
- Phase III - Revised Clinical Score for High Risk TIA Patients in the ED. Exhibit C1, from 2019-12-19 to 2024-12-25
- Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis (PRoMPT BOLUS), from 2020-10-01 to 2025-09-30
- Reducing low-value practices in acute trauma care: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial, from 2023-04-01 to 2027-03-31
- Surveillance Program for Rapid IdentificatioN and Tracking of infectious diseases in KIDS (SPRINT-KIDS), from 2024-08-13 to 2029-10-31
- The right care, for the right patient, at the right time, by the right provider: A value-based comparison of the management of ambulatory respiratory diseases in walk-in clinics, primary care physician practices and emergency departments, from 2021-10-01 to 2025-03-31
- Validation et raffinement prospectif multicentrique des Quebec Brain Injury Categories pour les patients ayant subi un, from 2023-04-01 to 2026-03-31
Recently finished projects
- A Multi-Disciplinary, Patient-Partnered, Pan-Canadian, Comparative Effectiveness Evaluation of an Innovative Acute Pediatric Mental Health and Addiction Care Bundle, from 2020-04-01 to 2024-03-31
- Audit & Feedback Module Targeting Low-Value Clinical Practices in Injury Care: an Economic Evaluation, from 2020-04-01 to 2023-03-31
- Dérivation et validation d’une règle de décision clinique visant à identifier sécuritairement les personnes âgées qui ne nécessitent pas un transport immédiat vers un département d’urgence après une chute : Une étude de faisabilité, from 2022-03-16 to 2024-03-31
- Étude de l'éco-efficience du port de l'équipement de protection individuelle contre la COVID-19 dans les urgences pour un contexte post-pandémique, from 2021-10-01 to 2024-03-31
- L'équipement de protection individuelle : comparer la blouse réutilisable et jetable dans les urgences du CHU, from 2022-11-22 to 2023-03-31
- Les bons soins, au bon patient, au bon moment, par le bon fournisseur: Un programme de recherche pour améliorer l'efficience des soins d'urgence, from 2022-07-01 to 2024-06-30
- Pediatric Outcomes imProvement through COordination of Research Networks (POPCORN), from 2022-03-01 to 2024-02-29
- Perceptions et attitudes des médecins, infirmières et gestionnaires d’urgence et de clinique de médecine familiale face à la réorientation des patients qui se présentent dans les unités d’urgence pour des conditions peu ou non urgentes, from 2022-01-01 to 2024-09-01
- Physiotherapy care in Emergency Departments for Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost Analysis, from 2021-04-01 to 2024-09-30
- Redirection of patients with low-acuity problems to non-emergency department resources: a prospective cohort study, from 2021-03-01 to 2023-03-31
- The right care, for the right patient, at the right time, by the right provider: A value-based comparison of the management of ambulatory respiratory diseases in walk-in clinics, primary care physician practices and emergency departments, from 2020-04-01 to 2024-03-31
- Walk-in Physician Care: an Integrated Knowledge Translation Project to Inform Quality Improvement, from 2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31