Philippe Tessier studied at Laval University, the John Curtin School of Medical Research (Australian National University) and the University of Adelaide, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (United Kingdom). He has been a researcher at the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Laval University since 1999, and a professor at the Department of Microbiology-Infectiology and Immunology of the Laval University School of Medicine.

Research Projects

Professor Tessier studies the biological activities of the proteins S100A8 and S100A9, two small proteins expressed by neutrophils, monocytes, and activated endothelial and epithelial cells. These proteins are secreted during inflammation and activate the immune response. His research indicates that S100A8 and S100A9 have opposite functions: S100A8 is anti-inflammatory and inhibits myeloid cell differentiation, while S100A9 is pro-inflammatory and induces the differentiation of precursors of neutrophils and monocytes. He studies the roles of these proteins in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and Crohn’s disease, in immune responses to solid tumors, and in the differentiation of leukemia cells.

Auto-inflammatory diseases are monogenic orphan diseases (<10,000 cases per syndrome worldwide) usually caused by defects in the genes regulating innate immunity. These diseases are characterized by recurrent, unprovoked inflammation (fever, abdominal pain, rash, arthralgia). High plasma concentrations of S100A8 and S100A9 are often found in patients with auto-inflammatory diseases. In collaboration with Professor Martin Pelletier and Dr. Anne-Laure Chetaille, Prof. Tessier is currently studying the roles of S100A8 and S100A9 in these diseases, to develop a diagnostic test to facilitate the treatment of these patients.

2705, boulevard Laurier
Québec, Québec
Canada G1V 4G2
65 entries « 1 of 7 »

Leblanc PO, Breton Y, Léveillé F, Tessier PA, Pelletier M

The impact of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolites AMPA and MPA on the metabolism and functions of human blood neutrophils and their sex-dependent effects on reactive oxygen species and CXCL8/IL-8 production

Journal Article

Environ Res, 252 (Pt 1), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Leblanc PO, Bourgoin SG, Poubelle PE, Tessier PA, Pelletier M

Metabolic regulation of neutrophil functions in homeostasis and diseases

Journal Article

J Leukoc Biol, 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Boucher J, Gilbert C, Bose S, Tessier PA

S100A9: The Unusual Suspect Connecting Viral Infection and Inflammation

Journal Article

J Immunol, 212 (10), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Boucher J, Rousseau A, Boucher C, Subra C, Bazié WW, Hubert A, Bourgeault E, Benmoussa A, Goyer B, Tessier PA, Gilbert C

Immune Cells Release MicroRNA-155 Enriched Extracellular Vesicles That Promote HIV-1 Infection

Journal Article

Cells, 12 (3), 2023.

Abstract | Links:

Parisien M, Lima LV, Dagostino C, El-Hachem N, Drury GL, Grant AV, Huising J, Verma V, Meloto CB, Silva JR, Dutra GGS, Markova T, Dang H, Tessier PA, Slade GD, Nackley AG, Ghasemlou N, Mogil JS, Allegri M, Diatchenko L

Acute inflammatory response via neutrophil activation protects against the development of chronic pain

Journal Article

Sci Transl Med, 14 (644), 2022.

Abstract | Links:

Defrêne J, Berrazouane S, Esparza N, Pagé N, Côté MF, Gobeil S, Aoudjit F, Tessier PA

Deletion of S100a8 and S100a9 Enhances Skin Hyperplasia and Promotes the Th17 Response in Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis

Journal Article

J Immunol, 206 (3), 2021.

Abstract | Links:

Vaillancourt M, Desaulniers P, Paré G, Pagé N, Lachhab A, Kerever A, Julien AS, Amiable N, Pelletier M, Tessier PA, Bessette L, Michou L, Fortin PR, Fernandes MJ

Expression of the myeloid inhibitory receptor CLEC12A correlates with disease activity and cytokines in early rheumatoid arthritis

Journal Article

Sci Rep, 11 (1), 2021.

Abstract | Links:

Vaillancourt M, Hubert A, Subra C, Boucher J, Bazié WW, Vitry J, Berrazouane S, Routy JP, Trottier S, Tremblay C, Jenabian MA, Benmoussa A, Provost P, Tessier PA, Gilbert C

Velocity Gradient Separation Reveals a New Extracellular Vesicle Population Enriched in miR-155 and Mitochondrial DNA

Journal Article

Pathogens, 10 (5), 2021.

Abstract | Links:

Tardif JC, Bouabdallaoui N, L'Allier PL, Gaudet D, Shah B, Pillinger MH, Lopez-Sendon J, da Luz P, Verret L, Audet S, Dupuis J, Denault A, Pelletier M, Tessier PA, Samson S, Fortin D, Tardif JD, Busseuil D, Goulet E, Lacoste C, Dubois A, Joshi AY, Waters DD, Hsue P, Lepor NE, Lesage F, Sainturet N, Roy-Clavel E, Bassevitch Z, Orfanos A, Stamatescu G, Grégoire JC, Busque L, Lavallée C, Hétu PO, Paquette JS, Deftereos SG, Levesque S, Cossette M, Nozza A, Chabot-Blanchet M, Dubé MP, Guertin MC, Boivin G,

Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 (COLCORONA): a phase 3, randomised, double-blinded, adaptive, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial

Journal Article

Lancet Respir Med, 9 (8), 2021.

Abstract | Links:

Jeong H, Kim S, Hong BJ, Lee CJ, Kim YE, Bok S, Oh JM, Gwak SH, Yoo MY, Lee MS, Chung SJ, Defrene J, Tessier P, Pelletier M, Jeon H, Roh TY, Kim B, Kim KH, Ju JH, Lee YJ, Kim DW, Kim IH, Kim HJ, Park JW, Lee YS, Lee JS, Cheon GJ, Weissman IL, Chung DH, Jeon YK, Ahn GO

Tumor-Associated Macrophages Enhance Tumor Hypoxia and Aerobic Glycolysis

Journal Article

Cancer Res, 79 (4), 2019.

Abstract | Links:

65 entries « 1 of 7 »
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Active projects

  • Biology of S100A8 and S100A9 proteins in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia, from 2019-10-01 to 2024-09-30
  • Developing synthetic S100A9-based molecules for differentiation therapy of human acute myeloid leukemia, from 2022-04-01 to 2027-03-31
  • Surveillance des réponses immunitaires au vaccin contre la COVID-19 chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH-1, from 2021-12-01 to 2025-03-31
Data provided by the Université Laval research projects registery