Dr. Marcel Émond is a certified emergency physician and has been in practice since 2004 at the level-1 trauma centre of the CHU de Québec- Hôpital Enfant-Jésus. He is a FRQ-S senior clinician scientist at the CHU – Laval University research centre and the Centre de recherche sur les soins et les services de première ligne de l’Université Laval (CERSSPL-UL).

To honor his acute sense of leadership for the promotion of technological innovation projects that changed the organization of medical practice in his region, Dr. Marcel Emond was awarded the Alain Cloutier Award of the Quebec Medical Association. He has also won the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine Outreach Award as well as the Distinctive University Mission Award from the Quebec Health and Social Services Establishment Association.

Since his first years in research, he has preserved national and international collaborations. He’s a member of the first Executive Committee of NCER.ca (Network of Canadian Emergency Researchers).

Over the last decade, much of his research has focused on clinical decision-making rules for the use of resources in the emergency department. Most of these projects resulted in articles being published in the Academic Emergency Medicine, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Annals of Surgery, Journal of American Geriatrics Society, BMJ and CMAJ

He also led the creation of the CETIe team (Canadian Emergency and Trauma Initiative in Elders), a national multidisciplinary research team focusing on improving and preventing complications of acute care among elders. Composed of 24 clinical researchers, epidemiologists, statisticians, geriatricians, occupational therapists, nurses and economists, it’s one of the first CIHR teams to be recognized for making a link between emergency medicine, geriatrics and rehabilitation for patients with traumas ranging from minor to emergencies.

201 entries « 1 of 21 »

Kraft R, Mercuri M, Clayton N, Worster A, Mercier E, Emond M, Varner C, McLeod SL, Eagles D, Stiell I, Barbic D, Morris J, Jeanmonod R, Kagoma YK, Shoamanesh A, Engels PT, Sharma S, Papaioannou A, Parpia S, Buchanan I, Ali M, de Wit K

Emergency physician gender and head computed tomography orders for older adults who have fallen

Journal Article

Acad Emerg Med, 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Beaudoin M, Belzile EL, Gélinas C, Trépanier D, Émond M, Gagnon MA, Bérubé M

Level of implementation of pain management and early mobilization strategies to prevent delirium in geriatric trauma patients: A mixed-methods study

Journal Article

Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs, 52 , 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Couture V, Germain N, Côté É, Lavoie L, Robitaille J, Morin M, Chouinard J, Couturier Y, Légaré F, Hardy MS, Chartier LB, Brousseau AA, Sourial N, Mercier É, Dallaire C, Fleet R, Leblanc A, Melady D, Roy D, Sinha S, Sirois MJ, Witteman HO, Émond M, Rivard J, Pelletier I, Turcotte S, Samb R, Giguère R, Abrougui L, Smith PY, Archambault PM,

Transitions of care for older adults discharged home from the emergency department: an inductive thematic content analysis of patient comments

Journal Article

BMC Geriatr, 24 (1), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Souesme G, Poulin V, Ethier A, Grenier M, Sirois MJ, Beaulieu-Bonneau S, De Guise É, Lamontagne ME, Hudon C, Émond M, Ouellet MC

Challenges and facilitators in the experience of caregiving for an older adult with traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal qualitative study in the first-year postinjury

Journal Article

Rehabil Psychol, 69 (3), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Isaac CJ, Moore L, Bérubé M, Belzile É, Malo C, Giroux M, Belcaid A, Abiala G, Trépanier D, Émond M, Dionne CE

Predictors of adverse outcomes in elders hospitalised for isolated orthopaedic trauma: a multicentre cohort study

Journal Article

Emerg Med J, 41 (3), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Dubucs X, Mercier É, Boucher V, Lauzon S, Balen F, Charpentier S, Emond M

Association Between Frailty and Head Impact Location After Ground-Level Fall in Older Adults

Journal Article

J Emerg Med, 66 (5), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Dubucs X, Boucher V, Emond M

Just the facts: head injury following ground-level falls in older patients-to scan or not to scan

Journal Article

CJEM, 2024.

| Links:

Abdulaziz KE, Taljaard M, Dowlatshahi D, Stiell IG, Wells GA, Sivilotti MLA, Émond M, Sharma M, Stotts G, Lee J, Worster A, Morris J, Cheung KW, Jin AY, Sahlas DJ, Murray HE, MacKey A, Verreault S, Camden MC, Yip S, Teal P, Gladstone DJ, Boulos MI, Chagnon N, Shouldice E, Atzema CL, Slaoui T, Teitlebaum J, Perry JJ

Derivation of a clinical prediction score for the diagnosis of clinically significant symptomatic carotid artery disease

Journal Article

CJEM, 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Coulombe P, Robitaille-Fortin M, Nadeau A, Malo C, Blanchard PG, Benhamed A, Émond M, Mercier E

Clinical assessment to identify pelvic injuries in the prehospital setting: a prospective cohort study

Journal Article

Frontiers in Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 2 , 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Tourigny JN, Boucher V, Dubucs X, Malo C, Mercier É, Chauny JM, Clark G, Blanchard PG, Carmichael PH, Gariépy JL, D'Astous M, Émond M

Derivation of the Quebec Brain Injury Categories for complicated mild traumatic brain injuries

Journal Article

J Neurosurg, 2024.

Abstract | Links:

201 entries « 1 of 21 »
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Active projects

  • Apprentissage par Vidéos Immersifs 360 (AVIS 360), from 2024-01-01 to 2025-06-30
  • Dérivation et validation d'un outil de stratification du risque applicable en préhospitalier et visant à identifier les personnes âgées nécessitant des soins urgents ou une hospitalisation à la suite d’une chute, from 2023-10-01 to 2026-09-30
  • Implantation d’une clinique de paramédicine communautaire : Projet pilote et adaptation de la CP@Clinic au Québec, from 2024-02-20 to 2025-03-31
  • les soins préhospitaliers d'urgence: une opportunité d'innover et d'améliorer les soins, from 2024-01-01 to 2027-12-31
  • Physiotherapy care in Emergency Departments for Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost Analysis, from 2021-04-01 to 2024-09-30
  • Programme de recherche des soins urgents et traumatologiques aux aînés (Optimista), from 2021-08-11 to 2025-08-31
  • Selective neuroimaging for head-injured emergency patients who take anticoagulant medication., from 2021-10-01 to 2026-09-30
  • Understanding Delirium Pathophysiology using Urine Metabolomics from Older People with Hip Fractures, from 2021-04-01 to 2026-03-31
  • Validation et raffinement prospectif multicentrique des Quebec Brain Injury Categories pour les patients ayant subi un, from 2023-04-01 to 2026-03-31

Recently finished projects

  • Adaptation des critères uBIG pour la population vieillissante avec TCCL complexe – Phase 2a, from 2020-03-17 to 2023-03-31
  • Dérivation et validation d’un outil de triage préhospitalier en traumatologie adapté pour l’âge et le sexe : une étude prospective de faisabilité, from 2023-02-08 to 2024-03-31
  • Dérivation et validation d’une règle de décision clinique visant à identifier sécuritairement les personnes âgées qui ne nécessitent pas un transport immédiat vers un département d’urgence après une chute : Une étude de faisabilité, from 2022-03-16 to 2024-03-31
  • Évaluer la sécurité et la faisabilité d'un soulagement des douleurs tronculaires, en contexte québécois, en vue d’une étude d’efficacité à plus grand déploiement, from 2022-09-01 to 2024-06-30
  • Intégration des techniciens ambulanciers pour le référencement vers la gériatrie sociale, from 2022-04-29 to 2024-03-31
  • La clinique des ainés : une transition innovante des soins pour aînés fragilisés – Éviter le retour à la case départ, from 2019-04-01 to 2024-03-31
  • Optimisation 2.0 de la prise en charge en phase aiguë des fractures de la hanche chez l’aîné , from 2022-04-01 to 2023-03-31
  • Optimisation de la prise en charge en phase aiguë des fractures de la hanche chez l'aîné, from 2022-10-12 to 2023-03-31
  • Optimisation de l’utilisation des départements d’urgence avec la réorientation en clinique de médecine de famille, from 2023-04-12 to 2023-09-30
  • Quantity of Opioids for Acute Pain and Limit Unused Medication (OPUM study), from 2018-10-01 to 2022-09-30
  • Redirection of patients with low-acuity problems to non-emergency department resources: a prospective cohort study, from 2021-03-01 to 2023-03-31
  • Réduire l’isolement social et la solitude chez les personnes âgées : comparaison de deux interventions initiées en contexte de soins aigus , from 2023-04-01 to 2024-03-31
  • Supporting the creation of a LEARNing INteGrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a Wiki platform to Improve the transitions of frail Seniors from from hospitals and emergency Departments to the cOMmunity : The ..., from 2017-04-01 to 2023-03-31
Data provided by the Université Laval research projects registery