Luc Beaulieu received his PhD from Laval University in 1996. After a postdoctoral fellowship in Berkeley, California, he worked as a research scientist at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility in Bloomington. In 2000, he took the leadership of the medical physics research group at the Quebec City University Hospital. Under his leadership, a formal graduate medical physics teaching curriculum was set-up and became CAMPEP accredited in 2011. This was the first French CAMPEP training program in the world.

In addition to be a researcher at the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – Université Laval, Dr. Beaulieu is a full professor at Laval University, Director of the CAMPEP graduate program (since 2011) and also Director of the Laval University Cancer Research Centre (since 2012). From 2010 to 2016, he served on the Board of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists as President Elect, President and Past President. He is a member of the AAPM Brachytherapy Subcommittee, was the Chair of TG-186, and now leads the AAPM/ESTRO/ABG Working Group on Model-Based Dose Calculations in brachytherapy. He received research grants from all of the Canadian major funding agencies (CIHR, NSERC, NCIC, CCSRI) and NIH (R01 and SBIR). For the past 15 years, Dr. Beaulieu has worked collaboratively with a number of industrial partners for the design, building and validation of biomedical algorithms and devices. Since November 2015, he is the holder of an NSERC Industrial Research Chair related to biomedical technology for brachytherapy. He has served on grant panels for most of the agencies listed previously, and was Section Chair for the Medical Physics Panel in the last NSERC Discovery round (2017). He has mentored 70 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and a similar number of undergraduate student research projects, published over 210 peer-reviewed manuscripts (with over 7 000 citations) and 445 refereed abstracts (all poster and oral presentations) at national and international meetings. He is a recognized expert in scintillation dosimetry and brachytherapy.

The ongoing objective of our research program is to increase the accuracy of dose measurements, dose calculations, and treatment delivery for radiation-based procedures including, but not limited to, radiation therapy, diagnostics, and interventional radiology. This is achieved through a comprehensive research program combining the elements of basic and applied research in medical physics and biomedical engineering. The program hinges on radiation physics, optics, numerical optimization problems, image and signal processing, and high-performance computing.

Four main research tracks

The current activities of the research program are based on four main research tracks, namely 1) development of new radiation dosimeters, 2) applied medical image processing, 3) numerical computation in optimization problems and high precision particle transport and dose calculations and 4) robotic medical devices. We are aggressively pursuing our optics-based radiation detector research track for which 3 patents have been granted, 2 provisional patents taken, and 1 technology licensed and commercialized. We have recently shown proof-of-principle for multi-point scintillation fiber dosimeters, a completely new concept in the field. My laboratory is a recognized world leader in optics-based dosimeter developments and the proposed program is intended to maintain and extend this lead. These research tracks have proven to be extremely productive in terms of scientific outputs, patents and HQP training over the last few years. The current program significantly extends the research topics. While the long-term application and commercialization potential are in the medical field (cancer, radiation therapy and radiology), the science discovery and technology development are embedded in a strong science and engineering research program. Our program has far reaching impacts: scientific, commercial, and ultimately on the quality of life of Canadians through the applications of said technologies.

Hôpital de l'Enfant-Jésus
1401, 18e rue
Québec, Québec
Canada G1J 1Z4
234 entries « 1 of 24 »

Fletcher EM, Ballester F, Beaulieu L, Morrison H, Poher A, Rivard MJ, Sloboda RS, Vijande J, Thomson RM

Correction: "Generation and comparison of 3D dosimetric reference datasets for COMS eye plaque brachytherapy using model-based dose calculations"

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (8), 2024.

| Links:

Fletcher EM, Ballester F, Beaulieu L, Morrison H, Poher A, Rivard MJ, Sloboda RS, Vijande J, Thomson RM

Generation and comparison of 3D dosimetric reference datasets for COMS eye plaque brachytherapy using model-based dose calculations

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (1), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Lavallee MC, Cantin A, Aubin S, Lefebvre M, Marrier AS, Bouchard I, Fiset C, Villeneuve-Gauthier A, Foster W, Martin AG, Carignan D, Beaulieu L, Vigneault E

US-guided EM tracked system for HDR brachytherapy: A first in-men randomized study for whole prostate treatment

Journal Article

Brachytherapy, 23 (1), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Bélanger C, Aubin S, Lavallée MC, Beaulieu L

Simultaneous catheter and multicriteria optimization for HDR cervical cancer brachytherapy with a complex intracavity/interstitial applicator

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (3), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Gomez-Sarmiento IN, Tho D, Dürrbeck C, de Jager W, Laurendeau D, Beaulieu L

Accuracy of an electromagnetic tracking enabled afterloader based on the automated registration with CT phantom images

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (2), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Lebel-Cormier MA, Boilard T, Bernier M, Beaulieu L

Multi-point calorimeter using distributed fiber Bragg gratings for small field dosimetry in radiotherapy

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (5), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Koprivec D, Belanger C, Beaulieu L, Chatigny PY, Rosenfeld A, Cutajar D, Petasecca M, Howie A, Bucci J, Poder J

Development of patient and catheter specific error thresholds for high dose rate prostate brachytherapy

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (3), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Tho D, Bélanger C, Jørgensen EB, Tanguay J, Rosales HML, Beddar S, Johansen JG, Kertzscher G, Lavallée MC, Beaulieu L

Establishing a fingerprinting method for fast catheter identification in HDR brachytherapy in vivo dosimetry

Journal Article

Brachytherapy, 23 (2), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Dürrbeck C, Gomez-Sarmiento IN, Androulakis I, Sauer BC, Kolkman-Deurloo IK, Bert C, Beaulieu L

A comprehensive quality assurance protocol for electromagnetic tracking in brachytherapy

Journal Article

Med Phys, 51 (5), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

Berumen F, Ouellet S, Enger S, Beaulieu L

Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty extraction of patient-specific deep learning-based dose predictions in LDR prostate brachytherapy

Journal Article

Phys Med Biol, 69 (8), 2024.

Abstract | Links:

234 entries « 1 of 24 »
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Active projects

  • 2SHARP:Two Fractions Study of Hypofractionated Ablative Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer. , from 2024-06-19 to 2025-03-31
  • Anatomically relevant brachytherapy implants by a 3D printing and radiosenstizing approach, from 2020-10-01 to 2025-09-30
  • Medical physics and biomedical technology development for next generation dose measurement, optimization and computation tools, from 2019-04-01 to 2025-03-31
  • Propulsion d’une plateforme de dosimétrie à scintillation de pointe vers de nouvelles applications à fort potentiel innovant et commercial, from 2022-06-27 to 2024-11-25
  • The impact of Monte Carlo dose calculations on prostate and breast low-dose rate brachytherapy dose-outcome relationships and radiobiological modeling, from 2020-10-01 to 2025-09-30

Recently finished projects

  • Advanced tracking and optimization technology for brachytherapy applications, from 2021-02-01 to 2023-12-31
  • Financement d'une caméra BeamSite Research pour la recherche en dosimétrie, from 2024-03-05 to 2024-03-31
Data provided by the Université Laval research projects registery