Dr. Agharazii is a nephrologist, clinician-researcher, director of the Endocrinology and Nephrology research axis of Quebec’s CRCHU. He is Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Laval University and is the Residency Program Director for Nephrology. He holds the Amgen-U. Laval Nephrology Research Chair. His work focuses on arterial stiffness, which is a consequence of vascular aging and is particularly accelerated in patients with renal failure. Arterial stiffness is the main determinant of isolated high blood pressure commonly seen in the elderly as well as in diabetic and renally impaired patients. Although there are several medications available to treat hypertension, current medications were not designed to target arterial stiffness, sometimes leading to treatment failures and causing side effects related to polypharmacy. It is therefore important to understand the mechanisms involved in the development of arterial stiffness in order to develop specific therapeutic targets.

His research program aims to elucidate the role of inflammation, bone mineral disorder and endothelin in the pathophysiology of vascular remodeling in renal failure. His research involves patient care, the use of animal models and cell cultures, and the collaboration of several researchers.

L'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
6 rue McMahon
Québec, QC
Canada G1R 3S1
96 entries « 12 of 10 »
96 entries « 12 of 10 »
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Active projects

  • Activités de réseautage de recherche en cardiologie, endocrinogie et néphrologie (CENNE), from 2022-05-01 to 2025-04-30
  • Blood pressure and vascular biomechanics: insights from numerical simulation models, from 2023-11-27 to 2026-04-30
  • Covid-19 effects on ARTErial StIffness and vascular AgiNg (CARTESIAN) study- Canada, from 2021-06-01 to 2025-03-31
  • Développement d'une offre de soutien psychologique adaptée aux besoins des patients souffrants de maladies rénales chroniques au Québec, from 2024-09-01 to 2026-04-30
  • Early Prediction of preeclampsia Using arteriaL Stiffness in high-risk prEgnancies; a multinational study (PULSE), from 2020-04-01 to 2025-03-31
  • Effet de contrôle glycémique sur la progression de la stéatose hépatique au sein du REGISTRE-NASH du CHU de Québec-Université Laval, from 2024-01-23 to 2024-12-31
  • Hydrochlorothiazide and accelerated CKD-related vascular calcification, from 2023-07-01 to 2025-06-30
  • Identifying low bone turnover disease in chronic kidney disease in order to guide anti-fracture therapy, from 2020-10-01 to 2025-09-30
  • Mécanismes de la rigidité aortique en insuffisance rénale chez l'humain, from 2018-06-01 to 2025-03-31
  • Sustainable Exercise Habits and Vascular Health in Hemodialysis Patients, from 2024-07-01 to 2026-06-30
  • Taking advantage of the High Interindividual Heterogeneity in the Expression of HLA molecules on Human Kidney Endothelial Cells to Personalize Immunotherapy, from 2024-07-01 to 2026-06-30
  • Towards a virtual cardiovascular system for understanding arterial stiffness and blood flow, from 2023-04-01 to 2028-03-31
  • Vers un test de détection rapide de l’hyperaldostéronisme pour soigner l’hypertension., from 2023-10-24 to 2025-11-01

Recently finished projects

  • Accelerated CKD-related vascular calcification: Role of thiazide-type, thiazide-like and loop diuretics, from 2020-10-01 to 2023-05-31
  • Arterial stiffness gradient as a new index of vascular aging: impact of blood pressure lowering medication, from 2019-10-01 to 2024-09-30
  • CENTRAL-CKD Cibler la pression artérielle centrale : Une étude pilote randomisée-contrôlée pragmatique pour les palients avec insuffisance rénale chronique avancée , from 2021-10-01 to 2023-09-30
  • Characterizing Cardiovascular Outcomes in Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism, from 2021-04-01 to 2024-03-31
  • Traiter l’os pour prévenir l’hypertension et les maladies cardiovasculaires chez les femmes ménopausées., from 2021-05-01 to 2023-06-30
  • Transgenic rats overexpressing HDAC9 to explore the missing link between osteoporosis and vascular disease in chronic kidney disease, from 2023-06-21 to 2024-03-31
Data provided by the Université Laval research projects registery